What is: Call-to-action (CTA)

What is: Call-to-action (CTA)

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Call-to-action (CTA) A call-to-action (or CTA) is a button/widget/box that wakes the reader up from their passive reading and makes them do something. Usually to make a call for a quote or sign up to a mailing list. CTAs are often...
What is: Category (Categories)

What is: Category (Categories)

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Category Categories on a blog refer to the topics that your posts are covering. These are broad and sweeping, so as to easily distinguish between post types but not necessarily specifics. An example would be a food blog with the...
What is: Comment (Blog Comments)

What is: Comment (Blog Comments)

Back Definition of Comment Comments are responses from your readers about your blog post. This is a great way to get feedback and engage in conversation with your readers. Plus you have full control over whether or not you want to approve comments before they’re...
What is: Content Upgrade

What is: Content Upgrade

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Content Upgrade A content upgrade is an optional piece of content offered with a blog post to make the piece better or more effective. For example, if you imagine a blog post on losing weight, a workout plan that can be done at home...