What is: Autoresponder?

By Dmytro Spilka

Sep 21, 2017

What's Autoresponder?


Peter Jobes

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Definition of Autoresponder

An autoresponder is a tool used by most blogs with a mailing list, to send out a mass emails to those subscribed to the list based on their email preferences. Generally, these emails are comprised of offers or updates on the new content on the blog.

Most email marketing providers, such as MailChimp, AWeberConvertKit and Constant Contact offer autoresponders.

This feature could save a ton of time and resources, especially if you have thousands of email subscribers but still wish to welcome them on a “one-by-one” basis. Autoresponders could be of great use when you wish to greet a newly subscribed reader and offer him/her a couple of “getting started” resources.

Autoresponders could also be used for some complex tasks. For example, you can set an automatic email to go off triggered by certain actions taken by the user. For instance, you can send an automatic yet tailored email to people who’ve just purchased one of your products.

Tip: Don’t use autoresponders on everybody. Try to tailor every automatic email based on specific actions taken by the user at that specific time frame. For example, don’t send a “Welcome” email to people who’ve been subscribed to your blog for years but only recently have purchased a product. The chances are they’re well aware of what you do.

1. How To Build & Grow an Email List With Bloom

2. Best Email Marketing Service Providers

3. Email Marketing in 2017

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Peter Jobes

Content Marketing Manager

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