Dmytro Spilka
Just like the vast majority of jobs, SEO requires a lot of commitment and patience. As an SEO, you are doing a lot of work without instant results, which, at times, can get very frustrating and stressful, especially when clients expect an immediate return.
I’d like to remind every SEO’er that our job can also be ironically funny 🙂
Note: These memes are likely to carry no meaningful sense to people outside of the SEO World. Just like in any group of close friends, you have jokes that only you and your fellows get. Same applies here 🙂
You have definitely read one of these posts…
Matt Cutts is so Matt Cutts
My psychological state when there is a sitemap error in Search Console
When you get tired of following Google’s “Best Practices”
A bit of music in SEO
How could we forget about Rand Fishkin
Yeah right, SEO is just great PR
Here is another one on Julian Assange
Who else does this?
The painful truth
A bit more on Matt Cutts and great content
Only people who watch Google Webmaster Central would get this…
The only guy who built links from CNN, NBC, The Guardian and so forth.
Disavowing links is tough
When auditing sites
That’d be great
Everyone who follows Dr.Pete on Twitter would probably get this
Who else does this? 🙂
And finally, out special edition! The feeling when a client offers like $200 and expects you to outrank Amazon.
Dmytro Spilka
Head Wizard