15 Best Business Name Generator Tools

By Dmytro Spilka

Apr 5, 2023

Business Name Generator Tools

Are you struggling to name your new business venture?

It’s understandably nerve-wracking. This is going to be the identity that you fly your new venture under – and anything short of perfect is not what you had in mind to launch with. Especially considering how fierce the competition is these days.

But some smart people know this struggle, and created tools to help you choose such a name.

Now, be aware that rebranding is more than possible in future. Many businesses change their name when they find something more fitting. But, these tools can help you generate a brand that you’ll be confident to operate under from the off.

And that’s what you need. A name to start under. Immediately. So, I’ll cut my introduction here and let’s get down to business.

1. Shopify Business Name Generator

Shopify have a lot to gain from helping people pick out their perfect business name.

As a service that allows businesses to set up an online store, they benefit greatly from their users selling well. Which is likely what influenced them to create such an incredibly effective business name selection tool.

The most noteworthy aspect of their generator is that it shows what domain suffixes are available corresponding with the relevant names it generates. Naturally, most people want to prioritise names with “.com” availability. So, it helps reduce the options.

The only issue with it seems to be that a large amount of the recommendations are very similar – which leads you to feel that you don’t actually have much choice. It would be nicer to see some more diversity in their options. But you can easily remedy this issue by entering a few different keywords.

2. Anadea Online Business Name Generator

Anadea are an IT software company, so it makes sense that their site has some cool online tools, and their business name generator is definitely one of the most popular.

It’s a very fluid experience, and comes with a diverse selection of names from even the most basic inputs. This is a great perk of Anadea, as it does it’s job well to get you thinking about good names and how to formulate them.

However, unlike Shopify for instance, they have no domain availability worked into their generator – which isn’t the end of the world, but it is something that would make this tool more favorable. Because there’s nothing worse than not being able to get a domain for your perfect name.

Another good point of Anadea’s generator is that it doesn’t only come up with prefix names, such as Superior Digital Marketing if the above example, but it also comes up with suffixed name ideas, such as Digital Marketing Begin. Allowing for a greater range of choice and ideation!

3. GetSocio Business Name Generator

GetSocio is a direct competitor with Shopify.

Their business model is set around helping businesses solidify their online shop face. So, it’s in their interest to give you great naming suggestions to work with.

However, sadly, the names GetSocio generate do tend to lack in creativity.

They are entirely prefix suggestions, and show no signs of rewording your keywords. They just stick a random word in front of your keyword. Is that the worst idea for a business name? Not necessarily. But it would be nicer for a little more selection.

GetSocio is quick and simple to use, and their prefix database is absolutely massive, so you get a great deal of business name ideas for a single search. So, while it does fall short in some areas it has great benefits too. Making this particular name generator worth checking out.

4. Appypie AI Generator


Appypie offers a free AI name generator that enables users to get a ton of business name ideas in a matter of seconds. 

5. BizNameWiz

BizNameWiz does exactly what their name suggests – they really are wizards when it comes to thinking up unique and exciting names.

Not only are their suggestions creative and unique, as you’d expect, but they’re filterable. Which is something a lot of these generators are missing: the ability to filter your results based on what you feel would fit best.

Overall, BizNameWiz really play with the keywords given to come up with names that reflect creative thought. Although there are still some duds in the suggestions (digital ex?), as you’d expect, there’s far fewer here than elsewhere.

One last thing to note is the ability to send ideas to a given email. Which is great if you want to filter through them more on your own time.

6. Freshbooks Business Name Generator

Freshbooks is an accounting software company that really likes to help newer businesses succeed.

This ethos is well-reflected in their playful and fluid business name generator. Which compiles selections based on what industry the business is going to be in. Then, with the provided keywords, creates industry-relevant suggestions.

While the selection is significantly smaller than other generators, it does feel highly targeted and relevant in comparison. Something that really stood out was that the number of suggestions felt significantly less overwhelming, and easier to choose or eliminate.

7. Business Name Generator

Business Name Generator is a site dedicated to what you’d expect.

They provide a wealth of idea names, with both prefix and suffix variations, as well as variation based on keyword. This is one generator that doesn’t just lazily stick words in front of a keyword and call it an idea. Which is awesome to see.

Not only does it value creativity, but it’s filterable. Providing you with targeted industry ideas, instead of being overly general. What’s more is that these filters actually work, and you can see thought has gone into the criteria of each given filter.

For example, digital marketing had over 16,000 ideas. But that suggestion pool was shortened down to just 281 when filtered to tech-specific names. It’s always nice to see thought has gone into suggestions with these kind of tools.

8. Brandroot

Brandroot take a different approach compared to most generators on this list.

For Brandroot, business names are a product. They collaborate with creative people and come up with some of the greatest names related to a specific industry. As well as buying up any ideal opportunities where businesses fail for whatever reason.

It’s armed with this diverse portfolio of effective names that they sell to businesses – and they make it very clear that you’re purchasing more than just a name. You’re purchasing an identity, as they put it. And this identity comes with a .com address, logo, copyright information and more.

Overall, definitely one of the more expensive options on the list. But they provide you with so much more than a just name, so we can understand why it may appeal to those who are looking for a ready-made brand solution.

9. Switchplane Business Name Generator

Switchplane is a digital agency that helps brands grow their identity.

Their tool is pretty simple, but it is effective. First thing to note, the name generation wasn’t immediately obvious. Initially, the name generated actually looked like an ad – but once that issue was overcome, some of the ideas were refreshingly creative.

However, as you can see from the gif – there were a lot of duds mixed in too. That’s to be expected realistically, when you’re being given ideas one at a time. But this format does seem to give more encouragement to consider each and every idea individually.

Not the best generator on the list. But it had some good ideas and is worth checking out if you’re aiming to avoid being overwhelmed by a wave of generic suggestions all on one page.

10. Namobot

Namobot is an interesting choice on this list.

It comes up with standard suggestions, centering around specific categories – such as fun, short and SEO. And shows you names in domain suggestions, not in actual business names. Which is great for online shops and businesses, but not as effective for local business names.

One real shortcoming of this generator is that the suggestions are pretty boring. There’s no real diversity or imagination to them. The main format they follow is either a prefix added to the keyword or randomly reworking the letters of your search content.

However, it does redeem itself with its SEO suggestions. Which the format is perfect for if you’re trying to establish some kind of online business. Especially if you’re aiming to create a niche advertisement website or the like.

11. Wordlab Business Name Generator

Wordlab’s suggestions are definitely some of the most creative on this list.

However, the downfall is that they only give you a single name per generation click. What’s frustrating is that they don’t allow you to specify any kind of keywords or industry. So, you end up with a lot of creative, weird business names that aren’t necessarily relevant to your business.

If you’re not attached to any kind of industry or keyword usage, and are happy to explore some weird and creative suggestions, Wordlab’s tool is definitely for you. It spits out some really unique ideas with each click of the button.

Although, the reality is most people don’t have that kind of freedom with the naming process – and for that reason, this generator isn’t the best fit for most people.

12. Hipster Business Name

Hipster Business Name is just a quirky but necessary mention.

Following in similar footsteps to Wordlab’s generator, they only generate a single name per click, and they’re not able to be sorted by industry, keyword or any kind of category. They’re completely random – and really fun in most cases as a result.

While it’s accepted this tool isn’t really meant to be taken seriously, it does have some cool features. The names are strange, but they’re not exceptionally unprofessional and you could absolutely use some of them. And it has a one-click domain availability search too.

If you’re stuck in a creative rut, this is one of the more playful tools that’ll break you out of that. Even if you don’t use the ideas suggested by the generator.

13. Cool Name Ideas Business Name Generator

Cool Name Ideas are a service specialising in their namesake.

Their business name generator really does live up to the hype too. Specifying a lot of impactful criteria before it generates name ideas for you, it plays to those criteria very well. With each choice you make narrowing the direction of the generation process.

The name ideas themselves didn’t stand out as exceptionally creative. There were some good and some bad, as with most generators on this list. But they felt exceptionally targeted to the criteria provided, which makes decisions far easier to make.

Plus their suggestions are limited by domain availability, which is another point in the favour of ease-of-choice. A great tool overall, given the extra effort necessary to begin generating.

14. BrandBucket

BrandBucket is a company very similar to BrandRoot. They sell business identities.

The names are, as expected, incredibly relevant and high-quality. If the price-tag on them wasn’t so high, this would be the perfect service. But, as with Brandroot, they are selling business identities. And that includes a logo, copyright and domain.

If you’re really stuck, and you need someone to help you build a (beautiful) business identity, then BrandBucket is worth considering. But you might find it a bit superfluous if you’re just looking for some inspiration on what to name your business.

15. Panabee

Panabee is a neat and creative little tool available.

It provides you with domain availability. As mentioned previously, this is a major value point when it comes to selecting a business name. What’s nice about the way they display the domain availability is the being able to quickly and easily see what extensions are available.

The selection is a bit hit and miss. A lot of the ideas just aren’t great. They mix up the keyword by different letter muddling. But this does allow you to see your keywords from a different point of view, and to see if you can play on said keyword to create a unique name.

It’s presented in a very easy to read and use format. If the ideas were a little better, this would be one of the top generators on the list.

Now you’re armed with the tools to create your perfect business name, the only thing left is for you to go explore them, use them, and find a brand identity that you’re going to be happy flying your new services under.

If you’re struggling, why not drop some of your ideas in the comments below and get some feedback? We’re always interested in assisting new businesses find what works for them.

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