11 Tips and Tricks for an Effective Social Media Campaign

By Dmytro Spilka

Oct 16, 2016

11 Tips for an Effective Social Media Campaign


Dmytro Spilka

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Social media is a king in so many ways. Regardless of whether you are organising an event or starting a campaign, somewhere along the way, social media will have to play a part.

Through optimising the potential of social media, it is possible to enhance engagement, increase support and promote your brand, product or offer to a wide audience, and you will undoubtedly experience some amazing results.

In recent years, social media has taken on a completely new meaning. Marketing experts have tapped into its potential as well as its ability to bring people together. There is simply no doubt that social media has a lot to offer.

In a different way to traditional forms of marketing, it is simple to get your head around, and if you are committed to it, then you can find the right information that will work for you and audience who will listen.

There is a lot of material online that can help you to make the most of social media marketing, but there is so much out there. How would you know what is useful and what is not? Even some of the most experienced social media marketers can have trouble finding what they need, and they can also find it challenging to keep ahead of the changing landscape in the world of social.

So, to help you with your social media campaign, we have pulled together some of the top tips that will assist you in every way. A successful social media campaign requires planning and a solid strategy.

The following tips should point you in the right direction:

1. Have a defined goal

Prior to beginning your social media campaign, you will have to ensure that you have the right plan in place. You will then have to decide what your ultimate goal is as well as any other targets, and then list how you will determine whether or not the campaign has succeeded.

Common goals tend to be:

  • Generating leads
  • Product awareness
  • Brand awareness
  • Direct sales
  • Engagement

2. Understand the rules when it comes to promotion

Make sure you check whether there are any specific rules in place for the platform that you are using in relation to running a promotion. The vast majority of social platforms have anti-spamming rules in place, which are usually based on heavy following & unfollowing, private message spamming, harassment, same content posting, spammy commenting and so forth.

Another example comes from Facebook Paid Ads. They won’t allow images that have more than 20% text on them.

3. Tools can help

There are apps available that can help you to run your social media campaign. If tight on time, consider using a cross-posting tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. These tools allow you to schedule & automate your posts across different social platforms.

4. The importance of social optimisation

Social networks have their own search engines that allow users to search for items that are of interest to them. Before you begin your campaign, put a list of keywords together that will give your campaign the best chance of ranking higher up the search results, and then use them in your posts. Make use of hashtags and mentions to be included.

5. Promote content like never before

Social Media is an essential tool for content promotion. However, sharing your newly published blog post once is simply not enough to gain exposure.

Create 10-20 social snippets for a single post with different titles, images, facts or stats, and post these over the course of 2-3 weeks. You will be surprised to see how much more interactions you will get with this approach.

6. A/B Test

In order to make sure that your post gets maximum reach and attention, it is important to test different post variations. This can be a matter of using a different image, wording, hashtags or post timing.

7. A landing page for you campaign

If part of your campaign is all about driving traffic to a particular website, then a landing page will make the different. This will give visitors the ability to identify your campaign while understanding that they are in the right place. If you send them to your homepage, they will then have to work it out for themselves where they need to go next, which can cause some form of confusion.

Make it easy for them, and you will see a significant increase in conversion rates.

8. Use influencers

Influencers are big on social networks, so consider involving one for your campaign. They have a large number of loyal followers and readers, so, by identifying a list of influencers to outreach to, you are maximising the chances of your social campaign being successful. Using just one influencer can help you to reach thousands of people, so make it clear to your chosen influencer how your campaign can benefit their followers.

9. Use a CRM

It is possible to see all of the conversations that are linked to your campaign in one central location by using a CRM. Through adding contacts, you can then turn this online community into customers who will continue coming back.

10. Understand your success

During the campaign, it is important to measure its success, and it is even more important to do so once the campaign has ended. This will allow you to determine whether you have reached your goals and what you can improve in the future.

11. Get in touch with new contacts

Once your campaign has ended, get in touch with new contacts as part of a follow-up procedure. During the campaign, there is no doubt that you would have been answering queries via tweets or posts, however, you need to create a relationship that goes further than this. Through your CRM you can reach out to your new connections and make it known that you are still there.


Marketing through social media has a lot to offer, especially when it comes to promoting your brand or services, which also helps you to target the right audience. There is an enormous amount of advice available, but there is one point that stands out – useful content. Create content that is relevant to your followers and customers, and keep up with the fast-paced world of social media and you will soon see that your campaigns work for you and your business.

Dmytro Spilka

Head Wizard

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