by Dmytro Spilka | Sep 19, 2017 | B, Blogging Glossary
Definition of WordPress Backend Backend is a technical term that refers to the hidden working components of a computer program or platform. In the context of blogging and WordPress, it would refer to the dashboard (also known as admin panel) and plugins working Peter Jobes | Sep 19, 2017 | B, Blogging Glossary
Peter Jobes Back Definition of Byline (Bio) Again, we’re borrowing words from the newspaper and magazine industry. A byline is simply an acknowledgement and attribution to the author of the post. Often accompanied by a short bio, a picture of the author Peter Jobes | Sep 19, 2017 | B, Blogging Glossary
Peter Jobes Back Definition of Bounce Rate Bounce Rate is another technical term, used to describe a percentage of viewers that leave after only seeing a single page of a site. While having a high bounce rate, especially with strong call-to-actions in place, Peter Jobes | Sep 19, 2017 | B, Blogging Glossary
Peter Jobes Back Definition of Blogroll A blogroll is a list of blogs/bloggers that you, or a blog owner, personally recommend reading. Those that engage in this practice often have their blogrolls clearly visible in the sidebar of their blog, to ensure they get Peter Jobes | Sep 19, 2017 | B, Blogging Glossary
Peter Jobes Back Definition of Blogosphere Blogosphere is a word used to describe blogs as a whole. Much like the word “internet” summarises everything you can find on it, Blogosphere refers to every blog and whatever may be contained within them. Peter Jobes | Sep 19, 2017 | B, Blogging Glossary
Peter Jobes Back Definition of Blog After all, this is a blogging glossary – it would be strange for us to skip out our definition of the term itself! In summary, a blog is a platform on which things are posted and built. The core aspect of a blog, in the...Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase or sign-up with one of the services, we may receive a commission.