What is: Comment (Blog Comments)

By Peter Jobes

Sep 19, 2017

What's Comment?


Peter Jobes

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Definition of Comment

Comments are responses from your readers about your blog post. This is a great way to get feedback and engage in conversation with your readers. Plus you have full control over whether or not you want to approve comments before they’re posted, so no need to worry about trolls.

The beauty of blogging is the interconnectivity of all users of the platform. Through sharing your insights, knowledge or services in a blog post, you’re putting your work out there for a vast community or readers to access and engage in.

Sometimes comments can be as simple as a message of gratitude from a reader happy to have found your piece helpful, or there can be opportunities to network with like-minded bloggers. Sometimes the feedback can be constructive, or a member of your audience could ask for help in clarifying some of the points made within your post. The experience is designed to be a positive way of getting feedback on your output.

Of course leaving yourself open to comments also puts you at risk of seeing unfair feedback, or harsh criticism – and trolling is rife in the internet community, but measures are in place to limit unwanted messages from users too.

You’re given plenty of options to regulate the comments section of your blog, and through spam filters, you’re able to avoid pesky phishing messages and concentrate on your more genuine messages. Some bloggers prefer to remove their comments section altogether, which is another option offered by all blogging platforms; however, this is generally seen as a lost opportunity to connect with your audience and to entice more regular visitors with genuine conversation.

Blog Comments

Here we have a snapshot of a comments section from our website. With the generally passionate and caring community within the blogosphere, the comments sections of blogs tend to be filled with users wishing to leave positive feedback and messages of thanks, which we’re happy to return our sincere gratitude to. We can also see a user aiming to network their blog in order to get exposure on a post – users sometimes use website comment sections as an effective way of marketing their work, which, if relevant, can be a good avenue to continue the online discussion over more content across blogs. This is called a pingback, and can be a very effective tool to drive traffic back to your website when done effectively.

Tip: Make sure that you engage with your readers by keeping an eye on your comments section, it can make all the difference in building a dedicated base of visitors willing to come back and talk more. The advice available in comments sections can also help you learn about what your audience wants from your blog. Use filters accordingly to avoid the pain of having to read through spam, and don’t be afraid to comment on other bloggers work – it could be key to building your network.

Further Reading:

1. The Ultimate Guide To Disqus Comment Plugin

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Peter Jobes

Content Marketing Manager

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