Articles allow businesses to convey their knowledge and expertise surrounding relevant subjects in a more in-depth manner than their more conversational blog-based counterparts.
While blog posts are typically short and snappy, a good article can range from around 500 words to 10,000s – allowing both the business and its prospective customers to really get to grips with a topic in both an informative and engaging way.
The SEO value that effective articles can bring to a website can’t be underestimated. When it comes to the very pinnacle of Google’s results pages, the best performing content tends to average out at around 2,000 words. While it’s dangerous to assume that a long-form article will perform better than, say, any given 700-word blog post, there’s definitely a strong correlation between in-depth content and reaching the front pages of Google.
One potential reason as to why articles perform better could be found in the greater potential that longer pieces have for embedding valuable keywords. Over a 2,000 word piece, you could organically cover a vital topic and all of its associated keywords that would be searched for.
The greatest asset of a strong article, however, is the added value that you bring to your brand. Here, you have a golden opportunity to explain complex subjects and have a generous word count in which to demonstrate your points.
Typically, articles can take the form of in-depth guides, opinion pieces, first-hand accounts and educated speculations for the future. Article tones tend to be more formal, with a greater emphasis on drawing external voices into a conversation.
Let Solvid pick up the slack and craft high-quality articles on your behalf. Whether you’re after long-form pieces or short and snappy paragraphs of content, we’re on hand to draw on a wealth of in-house experience to ensure that you can put your name to the type of content that gets your organisation noticed.