Dmytro Spilka
Anyone who has been trying to promote their website content online will have no doubt seen the term ‘guest blogging’ and have noticed that the Internet is in something of a frenzy about it, and not without good reason. The benefits of guest blogging are being noticed throughout the online domain, so you may be wondering what it is about guest blogging that makes the whole process so appealing to those looking to promote their content. The following benefits look to establish why guest blogging is so popular, and why it’s worthwhile you investing some time and effort.
1. Gain Much-Needed Exposure
One of the main and most recognised benefits of guest blogging is being able to attain some much-needed exposure, and this can be easily done if you can make connections with the right kind of websites and their audiences. More and more people are turning to blogs and websites for their daily intake of news and entertainment, which leaves many websites craving new and engaging content. If you’re knowledgeable within the sector, then you can use this to your advantage, by providing content that is original and engaging. Not only does this allow you to introduce yourself to a whole new demographic, but it also gives you an additional channel of incoming traffic.
In this regard, it may be more beneficial for you to create an evergreen piece as opposed to focusing on the news. This means that you have a crux of where to derive traffic for an unlimited amount of time. If you happen to build connections with many websites, then the rewards are plentiful when producing evergreen content.
Of course, there will be instances where you may have to produce content that will only be sufficient for a set amount of time, but ensuring you attain a healthy balance will bear more fruit moving forward.
2. Gain Creditability In Your Niche
One of the main reasons people turn to blogs and social media for their news affairs is because they trust independent websites, but for people to browse your site, you must of first build some foundations within the online world.
Authors who can forge connections with larger blogs and even corporate blogs will allow you to acquire credibility in your niche, thus showing people that you know your stuff, and will come back to revisit your site because of this. What’s more, you could find that your new status could earn you some additional revenue when it comes to selling products.
There can be a couple of reasons as to why you will enjoy a leap in revenue due to your post. The first is because if you’ve been featured on a popular and authoritative website, then its human nature for more people to put their trust in you and your product. The second can just be due to a new influx of traffic that has occurred as a result of your blog post, and a few visitors have decided to make a purchase along the way.
3. Growth On Social Media
Anyone who has been trying to promote their content online will know that being recognised on social media can be a big flare for leading search engines, such as Google. If an article gains some traction online, then you can be sure that you will be building several different connections when it comes to your social media pages. Whether it’s new business associates on LinkedIn, or new followers for your brand on Twitter, you can be confident that guest posting will certainly boost your social popularity & authority.
4. Gain Some Feedback
While many will not like looking at negative comments of themselves online, it’s all part of the process when it comes to creating and promoting content. Regardless of how your article or blog is received, you should ensure that you can take any constructive criticism or even negativity in your stride, and learn from the feedback.
Of course, you may receive a lot of good feedback, and while it can be hard to be humble during such a time, it’s still important that we can act on the feedback being given so we can grow our audience moving forward. Similarly, if you have a number of critics who always criticise, but everyone else seems to enjoy your content, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the issue is coming from your end. Remember, you can’t please everyone all of the time, but we should really try to please most people by providing quality content that helps.
5. Build Business Connections
We’ve already established that guest posts can put you in front of a completely new audience, but many people may not be aware of the connections that can be made when people read your guest post. This is specifically applicable to content writers and marketers, if readers feel the post offered some value, then you could find that they may offer you to share your expertise or write an article for their site. Not only does this allow for the building of numerous business connections, but you could also expand you link-earning process as a result.
Many look at guest blogging with one sole aim, and this is the building of backlinks. However, due to the many changes seen with search engines such as Google, there is much more to guest posting in the modern age. Those who are allowing you a soapbox on their profile will be looking for content that rewards their users in some way, and not just fire some sales patter at them. This isn’t to say you can’t promote your product or services, but it must be within the context of the article, and shouldn’t be used to the point where readers feel “cheated”.
Although backlinks are important, the online reputation of an entity is more important, and a good reputation can only be acquired by offering quality in everything you do, whether it’s your product or a new piece of content.
Dmytro Spilka
Head Wizard