What is: Email Marketing

By Dmytro Spilka

Sep 19, 2017


Peter Jobes

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Definition of Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a form of marketing that hits you straight in your email inbox. It’s currently the most used method of marketing among online sites. This is because it gives them a consistent avenue to provide you with non-intrusive updates and offers that you’ll regularly check.

It’s mostly used in-tandem with things like content upgrades, to get you onto a mailing list. These mailing lists come with the ability for the user to choose the frequency of the updates and not to view specific offers that would be considered unrelated to them.

Done right, it’s the most effective method to keeping a blog’s traffic consistent.

According to statistics published by Smart Insights in 2017, the average open rate of an email on a mailing list is just under 25%, while the click-through rate of users using the service to navigate further is 4.2%. These numbers may appear small, but if you have 1,000 subscribers to your mailing list, that’s 250 people being directly exposed to your product or service, with 42 potential consumers looking deeper into your website’s offerings – this could represent significant increases in revenue. Furthermore, the unsubscription rate of an email marketing campaign is 0.49% – which means that you’re more likely to be able to woo your target audience with further enticing offers through future emails and promotions.

But perhaps the key question that this article poses is how do we most effectively tap into the potential that email marketing holds? The answer’s simple in theory: give your target audience a reason to opt into your mailing list. The task here is to get into the minds of your visitors – what do they want from your site? Why are they here? Deploy a call-to-action that displays an offer that they’ll find appealing – a content upgrade or a discounted service. Once you have subscribers, you’ll have a much better chance of enjoying consistent traffic to your site through backlinks.

It bodes well to remember the human aspect of your email marketing, too. While more frequent mailing lists tend to get their messages read more often, you’ll want to avoid spamming your target audience to the point where they’ll hit the ‘unsubscribe’ button. It can be easy to neglect your email content due to it not being a fixed part of your site, but try not to fall into this trap – your marketing is what keeps your interested consumers sweet, if they see shoddy material they’ll give up on you.

Tip: Use exclusive content to attract visitors onto your mailing list. This both entices visitors to sign up and also shows off your expertise. Make an unmissable call-to-action, and then follow up with an offer they can’t refuse.

Further Reading:

1. What is: Direct Marketing

2. How To Build & Grow an Email List in WordPress With Bloom

3. What is: Content Upgrade

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Peter Jobes

Content Marketing Manager

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