What is: Digital Course

What is: Digital Course

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Digital Course Digital courses are growing in popularity, especially with platforms like Udemy and Teachables being launched into mainstream acceptance. But just what are digital courses? Well, quite simply, they’re like any...
What is: Digital Commerce

What is: Digital Commerce

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Digital Commerce Digital commerce can actually have two definitions. The first is the most commonly associated with the term, which is any kind of goods or commerce (food, clothes, electronics, books, ebooks, anything you can think...
What is: Blogging Dashboard

What is: Blogging Dashboard

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Dashboard The Dashboard is an administrative backend to a blog, providing a summary of the blog on a quick-to-read page. Not only does it provide this overview, but you can navigate it to various other tools, to manage a blog in...
What is: CSS Style Language

What is: CSS Style Language

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the style language that describes the layout of HTML elements such as fonts, margins, colours, height, width, backgrounds, etc. Controlling these from a single style sheet...
What is: Crowdsourcing

What is: Crowdsourcing

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing is using the power of an audience to achieve something. Common examples of this are crowdsourcing funding (crowdfunding) for a good idea, or crowdsourcing input on how to solve a common problem. The most...
What is: CMS Management

What is: CMS Management

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Content Management System A content management system is a tool (or platform), such as WordPress or Joomla, that allows for an easy-to-access means to manage your blog’s look, content, and experience. For blogs that have multiple...