What is: eBook (Digital Book)

What is: eBook (Digital Book)

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of eBook An eBook is a digital book. It is comprised of all the aspects of a paperback book, but it’s all done digitally and is never printed. They’re growing rapidly in popularity, especially with the release of eReaders like...
What is: Draft (Blog Posting)

What is: Draft (Blog Posting)

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Draft A draft, or a draft post for blogs, is a post that’s still in the process of being written. Generally speaking, drafts have not been through extensive editing and still have formatting/content tweaks to be made to them....
What is: Domain Name?

What is: Domain Name?

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Domain Name The domain name is the name of a website, i.e. Google.co.uk. If you are serious about blogging, you should have your own domain name that reads [blog name].com or similar. A subdomain, such as [blog name].blogger.com runs...
What is: DoFollow Link

What is: DoFollow Link

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of DoFollow DoFollow is a tag for a backlink, to specify that you want it to pass SEO value to your site. When trying to build links for your blog, DoFollow directly benefits the blog’s ranking on the SERP. In the world of Search...
What is: Direct Marketing

What is: Direct Marketing

  Peter Jobes Back Definition of Direct Marketing Direct Marketing is marketing with a specific target audience in mind. Essentially what this means is that every effort of the marketing campaign is to grab as much of that target audience as possible, rather than...