What is: Blogging Dashboard

By Dmytro Spilka

Sep 19, 2017


Peter Jobes

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Definition of Dashboard

The Dashboard is an administrative backend to a blog, providing a summary of the blog on a quick-to-read page. Not only does it provide this overview, but you can navigate it to various other tools, to manage a blog in (almost) any way necessary.

Dashboards vary from platform to platform, but they are generally the first thing you see when you log into your blog and they offer an array of tools for customising and maintaining your pages.

The beauty of blog software is that it tends to be fairly customisable, which gives you the autonomy to create a website that fits your vision – and the place that’ll be your first port of call to mould your site into a success will be your dashboard.

Your dashboard is effectively your multi-faceted control panel. You feel like setting up a new widget on your blog? Look no further than your dashboard. You want to read the fresh comments from across your blog? Dashboard. You’d like to add a plugin, an image or modify a page?

Well, you probably get the idea now. Your Dashboard is the place to be.

Blogging Dashboard (WordPress)

Above we can see WordPress’ dashboard interface. The extensive menu on the left of the page illustrates the vast amount of options you have at your fingertips to influence your site’s structure and appearance. The main body of the page is customisable, where you can pick your favourite widgets to place at the top of the page. In the picture, the visible options are a prompt to create a quick draft post, a selection of site content information, and an assorted blogging news section.

In addition to the Dashboard information visible, you have the ‘Your Stuff’ section, which lists your recent blogging activity – from posts to comments, acting as a sort of diary. ‘Activity’, which helps you keep up to date with comments surrounding your blog. There’s also a ‘Stats’ section which is a simple record of tracking your website’s activity – and a great way of seeing which of your posts are performing better in bringing in an audience.

It’s worth noting that although dashboards throughout the world of blogging do a very similar job, their layouts and functions may vary slightly from platform-to-platform. So you may want to familiarise yourself with your content management system’s approach before diving in.

Tip: Make yourself at home with your dashboard. Play about it its interchangeable layout and strategically place it’s most relevant functions in a position of priority for ease of use and increasing your productivity.

Further Reading:

1. How To Find Your WordPress Login URL & Never Lose It Again

2. What is: WordPress Backend (Admin Panel)

3. How to upload WordPress Theme/Plugin with CPanel

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Peter Jobes

Content Marketing Manager

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