What is: Byline (Bio)?

By Peter Jobes

Sep 19, 2017

What's Byline (Bio)?


Peter Jobes

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Definition of Byline (Bio)

Again, we’re borrowing words from the newspaper and magazine industry. A byline is simply an acknowledgement and attribution to the author of the post. Often accompanied by a short bio, a picture of the author and their social media channels.

There are many reasons why bylines have become an essential practice in the blogging world today. The human aspect of introducing the author of a piece of work to their audience is great for adding depth to an article. With a small bio, readers are able to learn more about the writer and are given the opportunity to identify with them.

Bylines are also great for gaining a following online. By adding some information and backlinks to your work, you’re able to create an online presence – where your blog or other articles can be found with ease.

This is also a great tool if your blog has multiple contributors. You’re able to not only credit the right writers, but you can show off your website’s wealth of talent and knowledge to your audience.

Example Of A Bio (Byline)

The above image is an example of a bio. Here we have an avatar – which in most cases comes in the form of a picture of the author. The writer’s name is clearly present at the top of the byline, before a short bio offering an insight into who the author is and what their position in the website is. Significantly, this example carries a point of contact for visitors wishing to get in touch with the individual who posted the content – this is important for user interaction as well as queries regarding the piece.

Tip: Avoid falling into the trap of neglecting your byline. Sometimes you can be so focused on producing quality content that you forget to give attention to your byline or bio, but giving the readers an insight into their author and offering them the chance to find more of your work is key to helping you build a dedicated audience.

Further Reading:

1. What is: Avatar (Profile Image)?

2. What’s Gravatar: When, How & Why Use It?

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Peter Jobes

Content Marketing Manager

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