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WordPress RSS Feed: How, When and Why Should You Use It
If you often visit blogs or subscribe to news feeds, you may have come across the term RSS. It is a type of web feed that can be used to deliver updates to users when a website or blog adds new content. RSS is a useful feature to have on your website because it allows...
Post Duplicator Plugin: How To Duplicate a Page in WordPress
WordPress is a very powerful content management system that is packed with useful features. It can be used for everything from small blogs through to large eCommerce websites with thousands of sales each day. However, there are a few key pieces of functionality that...
Autoptimize Plugin: Improve Your WordPress Speed in 5 Minutes
Having a fast and responsive website is essential if you want to create a successful online business. The speed of your website will affect customer satisfaction levels, search engine rankings, visitor bounce rates and much more. Optimising your WordPress site is made...
How To Add Google reCAPTCHA To Contact & Login Forms in WordPress
WordPress uses forms to help people log in, leave a comment, register with the site and much more. Unfortunately, forms can be targeted by spammers and malicious users. They can use automated software to leave spam comments, insert malicious code or gain unauthorised...
How To Find Your WordPress Admin Page URL & Never Lose It Again
If you are wondering how to log into WordPress for the first time or you keep forgetting your Wordpress login URL — this is the article for you! We will explain the many ways that you can log into your website. We’ll also share some useful tricks and tips to make...
Yellow Pencil: The Best Visual CSS Editor Plugin For WordPress
Yellow Pencil is one of the most powerful WordPress plugins available. It is a Visual Style Editor that makes customising the visual appearance of your WordPress as simple as 2+2! You will be able to make significant CSS design changes without touching a line of code...
TinyMCE Advanced: The Most Powerful WYSIWYG HTML Editor For WordPress
Many of the plugins available for WordPress are designed to improve its core functionality. The TinyMCE Advanced plugin falls into this category. It transforms the WordPress rich text editor into a fully-featured WYSIWYG editor. TinyMCE makes it easy to add tables to...
How To Add NoFollow Links in WordPress & Why (2 Methods)
There are many reasons why adding links to your web pages is a great idea. Links help visitors navigate your website successfully and find the information they are looking for. They are also useful for sharing valuable external resources with your visitors. However,...
How To Build & Grow an Email List in WordPress With Bloom
Generating high-quality sales leads is essential for any online business! One of the most effective methods for generating those leads is to run an opt-in email list directly on your website. It allows you to develop a relationship with your audience, build trust and...
Monarch Social Sharing Plugin For WordPress: The Ultimate Guide
The number of people using social media has skyrocketed in the past 10 years! Currently, there are more than 2.34 billion people signed up to one or more social networks worldwide — a figure that is rapidly increasing. The runaway success of social media has provided...
The Ultimate Guide To Easy Digital Downloads WordPress Plugin
Wordpress is one of the most powerful content management systems ever made! Not only is it used to power large websites and blogs, it can be used as an eCommerce solution. One of the best eCommerce plugins currently available for WordPress is Easy Digital Downloads...
Why You Need More Than Social Shares To Amplify Content
A statistics from Hubspot revealed that B2B marketers allocate 28% of their marketing budget to content marketing. However, about 55% of these B2B marketers also admitted that they are not sure of what content marketing success looks like. Marketers like you would...
SEO Content Syndication: How It Works & How To Do It Effectively
When done correctly, syndication can be an extremely effective method of developing your brand and your online visibility. So, why should you go down the route of SEO content syndication and how do you do it effectively? First of all, it’s necessary to understand the...
WordPress Contact Forms: The Ultimate Guide to WPForms Plugin
If you want to have a successful website, it is important to obtain customer feedback and provide them with support. One of the best ways to do so is via a contact form! The easiest way to add a form to WordPress is to use a form creation plugin like WPForms. It is a...
PPC vs SEO: Where to Invest Your Time, Money, Work and Effort
PPC or SEO? Which one would work better for your company? Should you pay users to come to your site, or rather rely on organic searches made by your target audience? While the question seems to imply an either/or situation, the reality is that there are pros and cons...
Beginner’s Guide To W3 Total Cache (W3TC) WordPress Plugin
Having a fast-loading website is critical if you intend to do business on the Internet. Not only is a fast-loading site more likely to convert visitors into customers, it will rank higher in search engines because website speed is often used as a ranking factor. There...
iThemes Security Plugin: Complete Guide To WordPress Security
WordPress has become the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world. It is used to power about 75 million websites, which equates to more than 27% of all websites on the Internet using a content management system. Unfortunately, because WordPress is so...
Yoast SEO Plugin: Beginner’s Guide To WordPress Search Engine Optimisation
In the past decade, Wordpress has grown from a simple blogging application into a powerful content management system. It is now used to power some of the world’s largest websites — including TechCrunch, The New Yorker, and BBC America. One of the main reasons for the...
Sticky Content: 5 Crucial Steps To Making It All Happen
Anyone who works in the field of digital marketing or is interested in attracting a larger client base knows that content is one of the keys to success. Doing content marketing is 62 percent less expensive than carrying out a traditional outbound campaign, and at the...
Building A Customer Loyalty Strategy With Mobile Integration
As the technology gets more advanced than yesterday and entrepreneurs become more knowledgeable in the methods of digital marketing, companies are now in wars for so needed attention. The primary cause of this massive shift as to how individuals interact, especially...
10 Deadliest Content Marketing Mistakes You Are Probably Making Right Now
Having an effective content marketing strategy will substantially increase the success of your online business. Unfortunately, many business owners make mistakes when they attempt to integrate content marketing into their overall marketing strategy. These mistakes can...
7 Indisputable Benefits of Running a Transparent Blogging Business
“Today, power is gained by sharing knowledge, not by hoarding it” – Dharmesh Shah, HubSpot. To start with, transparency goes beyond dishing out numbers, metrics and figures behind your performance as a blogger. It isn’t about laying bare every strategy you are...
Affiliate Marketing in 2019: Trends and Tips for Brands & Affiliates
Introduction to Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing traces its roots to the late 1990s when the Internet became a primary medium for marketing products and reaching out to customers. It’s an intelligent marketing concept through which you showcase your brand in...
The Good & The Evil of Search Engine Optimisation [Infographic]
There has been a massive, long-lasting debate as to which SEO tactics are considered credible (i.e. White Hat) and which are considered spammy and outdated (i.e. Grey/Black Hat). Some have even declared the death of guest blogging while others consider keyword...
Five Tips and Tricks for Creating Successful Online Courses
When it comes to sourcing knowledge, the Internet is often the first platform people visit. However, there is a difference between learning something and learning it properly. As such, there is a large market for online courses, and those who can offer them can yield...
7 Tips For Creating a Trustworthy Social Media Presence
Social media has become a very important component of Internet marketing. Having a strong social media presence can potentially improve your brand reputation, customer engagement, brand awareness and even help you to provide an efficient customer support. However, for...
How to Conduct an E-Commerce Website Audit Like a Pro
Auditing is an e-commerce lifeblood. You need to constantly keep on top of how your e-commerce business is faring, and website audits play a big part in that. Without auditing, you might lose out on key sales opportunities, or miss important technical issues. If...
Email Marketing in 2017: Predictions, Trends, Tips and Advice
"Email has the ability many other channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale" – David Newman There is a countless number of marketing options available to a digital professional or a webmaster. But, sometimes, you can only choose a couple of them...
Blogging in 2019: What should Bloggers Focus on (Trends & Tips)
Dmytro Spilka “Successful blogging is not about one-time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.” - David Aston Without mincing words, 2019 will be the most rewarding as well as most challenging year, yet known to the blogging enterprise. The template...
The Undiscovered Superpower & Benefits of Facebook Live
Dmytro Spilka <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><style type="text/css"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->...
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